of children, families and seniors through programs and services that empower, heal and comfort.
Princen Sammy Eduful & Herty Foundation is a duly registered human and social service charitable organization. Our headquarters are based in Edmonton, Alberta. We are currently serving the communities of Edmonton region and Calgary region, St. Albert, Ft. Saskatchewan, Airdrie, Lethbridge, AJAX, London Ontario, Montreal, QC and other cities across Canada, United States and Ghana.
PS Foundation, currently providing Youth employment preparation & Job Readiness programs,Women financial empowerment, financial aid, food aid, gift cards and other support services to approximately 50,000 families for hunger relief and food security to deliver nutritious food and empower at-risk children and families to make healthier choices. The PS Foundation believes that ending extreme child poverty, hunger relief, access to healthy nutritious food is a moral issue and one of the most compelling challenges facing humankind in the 21st century. It is committed to alleviating child poverty, hunger and enhancing the well-being and the quality of life at risk of children and families in the communities, in which we operate, aimed at fighting hunger, poverty, youth unemployment, food insecurity and transforming the lives of at-risk children, women & youth in the community.
We deliver nutritious food, clothing and empower families with education and healthier choices.
The Youth Employment, Internship and Job Readiness Programs during the summer season which provide students, between the ages of 15 – 30, with the opportunity to gain knowledge, develop personal skills and work habits that increase the potential for future employment success.
Youth employment, job readiness and internship programs have been very successful by recruiting more students, adding new opportunities and creating more partnerships with the community and civil society organizations. Employment support services to assist individuals to integrate in the workforce and create fulfilling lives. Addressing the gap of underrepresented black community youth, underserved and other racialized youth facing barriers to employment and services they need to enter, participate in, and complete broader workforce preparation and training programs aligned with the Princen Sammy Foundation Youth Summer Job Initiatives.
Identify opportunities for racialized community young women who are school dropped out or English language learners or non English language learners in order to create career pathways and provide gainful employment for them. It also accelerates equity in employment for immigrant and non immigrant youth by removing barriers to employment, education and connecting them to career training opportunities and placement on career in high mobility industries.
Local Food Infrastructure Delivery Program for children, families, youth, homeless people and seniors in Edmonton region, Calgary region, City of Ft. Saskatchewan, Airdrie, Lethbridge, AJAX, London Ontario, Montreal, QC and other cities across Canada and United States .
Helping to provide resources to ensure that low-income families, at-risk children, youth and seniors have their basic human need for food, hunger relief, food security and essential supplies are met in the community, especially people with mental health is one of the priority areas.
We are always looking for additional volunteers to assist with our work.
We are extremely grateful to each and every one of you.