Our Local Food Infrastructure Delivery Program for children, families, youth, homeless people and seniors in Edmonton region, Calgary region, City of Ft. Saskatchewan, Airdrie, Lethbridge, AJAX, London Ontario, Montreal, QC and other cities across Canada and United States.
Helping to provide resources to ensure that low-income families, at-risk children, youth and seniors have their basic human need for food, hunger relief, food security and essential supplies are met in the community, especially people with mental health is one of the priority areas.
Ft. Saskatchewan, Airdrie, Lethbridge, AJAX, London Ontario, Montreal, QC and more.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are willing to offer your time and skills to our team.
Project Number LFIF-2.015
The Princen Sammy Eduful & Herty received funding through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Local Food Infrastructure Fund. AAFC is seeking your participation in this anonymous survey, to assess the impact of the LFIF project on food security in your community. Although voluntary, your participation is important so that information collected is as accurate and complete as possible for analysis and reporting purposes within AAFC, and to inform the development of future programs.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.